Spotify vs iPod. who impacts who?
The other day a Techcrunch post pointed at a about how Spotify usage is jumping in usage in the US.
We wanted to take a look further and made our own little research specially by comparing to the iPod and its usage. See the infographic above.
What we can learn (on a panel of several thousand users) is that
- Spotify has a usage reach of 10% of iphone/ipod touch owners on average
- Out of which 8% use both Spotify and the iPod
- for the record 2% never use the iPod as an app [is this hight?]
- The time spent globally on music is bigger after spotify was installed...
- ..Even if the activity for the ipod is eroding over time.
- However spotify is not killing the ipod, and the opposite is also true
Note the Onavo [who provided the data to Techcrunch] has detailled split of ownership per country which differs from our average ownership. but not so much [onavo measures by active data consumption when online, and spotify CAN be used also offline]