Check it: Some ★ important precisions ★ and complementary stats from our report

Given the heat our report has generated (btw Top presentation of day on SlideShare...), we thought it would be important, before some readers get a heart attack, to publish some complementary precisions and also unreleased data. This was our first shot. And first shots are what they are. First shots. So here are some important things to remember.


On the average amount spent per device

The data that was mostly discussed was the average spent per device: $80

Many readers/iPhone owners do not identify themselves with this number. Well, let's look closer..

This was calculated by dividing the cumulated value of all paid apps that we found on the device by the number of devices that we track. This gives a simple picture but does not help get the reality of the how different users spend really, and indeed, there is a bias from the Appsfire that we suppose is made of iPhone enthusiasts and power users. However, note that we do not track apps that have been uninstalled, so the bias is perhaps neutralized in some ways...

To be totally precise we should have published a distributed graph of value spent (how many have spent more than X and less than Y). We'll do that in our next edition. However digging deeper we found that one of the most "representative" value spent per device is $45, by trimming away the outliers and looking at median figures. Some users spend lot more and some lot less. 

On the average price of paid apps

The $1.56 average price per application that we mentioned was the average price across the 15k+ apps that we track; it should be noted that free apps were included. Again, simple average. To make the picture clearer, excluding free apps from this calculation yields an average price of $2.87 per 'paid' app.

By popular request, we dove into the data to find out the average prices spent on a per device basis (within our Appsfire dataset). And this is what we found: average price per application (all included) is $1.31 while average price per 'paid' app is $3.46.

Bottom line

Like we said in our previous post, this data will gain depth and meaningfulness over time especially as our user base grows. 


For the record, here is the original report