Appsfire’s Community generated app reviews!

Every good Appsfire user has strong opinions on their apps. Sometimes our opinions are so strong the App Store alone cannot contain them. We love to break down the nuances of our favorite apps: the ease of use, the features, the user interface, and even the quirks and bugs.

So, wouldn’t it be nice for you to share your thoughts with similarly app-obsessed users?

Now you can.

The reviews will be evaluated on usefulness, personality, and style. Since “entertainment value” counts at Appsfire we will consider the personality and the style a bit more than usual. Just for the sake of consistency in the reviews, we would like you to follow the structure below:

Design: 0 1 2 3 4 (0 being the worst level, and 4 the best)
Review: How beautiful is it ?

Usability 0 1 2 3 4 (0 being the worst level, and 4 the best)
Review: How easy is the app to use, and why?

Utility 0 1 2 3 4 (0 being the worst level, and 4 the best)
Review: Is it more useful than a fart app?

Performance 0 1 2 3 4 (0 being the worst level, and 4 the best)
Review: Does it run like clockwork?

Feature 0 1 2 3 4 (0 being the worst level, and 4 the best)
Review: What makes this app great?

Are you ready to enjoy the fame and admiration of app-lovers everywhere?

You will be fully credited for you work, and if you know us, we like to throw in a surprise here and there….

Every Monday we will publish 4 app names, choose one, review and send it to [email protected]* - It’s that simple!

This week’s list is:


Social Networks

Photo & Video


Let’s get started!

*Our team decides which reviews to publish, and only reviews sent to the email [email protected] will be considered. Please do not post the reviews directly on Facebook, you can repost after we have published them. You will be given full credit and you will be informed in advance that we are publishing your review.

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